Room climate at workplaces and gas savings; how does that fit together?

The federal government is reacting to the current situation on the energy markets and is initiating an ordinance to secure the energy supply via short-term effective measures (EnSikuMaV). The ordinance came into force on September 1 and is valid until February 28, 2023. Specifically, it is about adjusting gas prices and thereby stabilizing energy companies.
The EnSikuMaV initially limits the measure to six months, i.e. until the end of February 2023. From 1 October, the ordinance on medium-term efficiency and energy saving measures is also to be issued, which is to apply for two years and therefore requires the approval of the Federal Council.
This gives employers the opportunity to lower the air temperature in workplaces - but they are not obliged to do so. This includes all companies, operators of public buildings, energy managers and facility management.
According to ASR 3.5, the minimum temperature of 20°C used to apply to computer workstations. Now the EnSikuMaV has set the room temperatures at 19°C.
In detail, the following minimum temperatures apply in workplaces with the new regulation:
The specified air temperature maximum values are not applicable for:
● medical facilities, facilities and services for the disabled and
care facilities,
● Schools and day-care centers
● facilities where higher air temperatures in a special way to maintain
the health of the people staying there (e.g. facilities of the
Child and Youth Services),
● Work rooms in which employees work whose health is affected by low air temperatures
is particularly endangered and other protective measures are not possible or
are sufficient
● Communal areas in which damage to the building fabric,
the surrounding premises, the technology available there, stored materials or
objects could arise
Our "guardian of the indoor air." continuously monitors office, school or living spaces with regard to these important components of the indoor air. The device requests ventilation by simply lighting up the traffic light colors green, yellow and red. A digital display shows CO2, particulate matter, TVOC, air temperature, rel. humidity and CO. A modern online application for managing the devices and evaluating the measurement data completes this innovative concept.
Other aspects to consider:
Furthermore, make sure that the rooms are adequately ventilated in accordance with ASR A3.6 "Ventilation" in order to ensure good indoor air quality and hygiene, e.g. B. in relation to infection protection.
Avoid the formation of cold surfaces (e.g. walls, windows, ceiling, floor) so that
no condensation and thus possible moisture damage and mold growth can occur.
In the case of vacant buildings or parts of buildings, a basic temperature and a
Minimum air exchange must be guaranteed in order to avoid hygiene problems.
Specialists in building technology and hygiene should be consulted.