The time finally arrived when we decided it was high time to make some space and modernize our "old walls".
Last year, the production facilities had been expanded. Now it was time to create more space for our administration, purchasing and management.
With the support of architect Sandra Hufnagel, we set out to put together a room concept for the next three rooms to be designed, which would then be gradually extended to the other parts of ELK.
Our primary goal was to preserve the ELK flair, however, we wanted to adapt it to the new requirements, transforming it into a modern office imbued with a sense of “well-being”.
... we are very pleased to have achieved this initial step - from now on the Practical test starts in the day-to-day office routine. In the next phase, the rooms making up our central office and reception will be modernized.
Design · Development · Production · Hardware · Software
...joined under one roof.
ELK - Gesellschaft für Erstellung, Layout und Konzeption elektronischer Systeme mbH