ELK have been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 in order to document our high quality standard "letter and seal" and to make it visible to the outside world.
We are very pleased that in December 2022 we received ISO 9001:2015 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures that we not only meet the needs of our customers through effective quality management (QM), but also in all have solid and defined procedures in our businesses.
There are numerous and good reasons to persuade companies to set up a certified quality management system. Increasing transparency in operational processes, optimizing processes, sustainably improving customer satisfaction and reducing error and reject rates - these are some of the points. With our ISO 9001:2015 certification, you are guaranteed a high level of quality assurance at every stage of your project.
Our ELK workforce has thus proven what our credo of high quality standards and constant further development reflects.
Hence; A huge THANK YOU for your commitment and dedication to the successful certification.
Design · Development · Production · Hardware · Software
...joined under one roof.
ELK - Gesellschaft für Erstellung, Layout und Konzeption elektronischer Systeme mbH