Together with the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), ELK GmbH will focus on the back for a day. With the BackCheck® device, muscle weakness in the back muscles and the balance of power in these muscle groups can be measured.
The modern working world has it all.
The number of desk jobs has increased rapidly in recent years. In addition, in private, not only is the car used far too often, but the computer is switched on more and more often. This unconsciously leads to long "sessions". The fact that this cannot be healthy and is harmful to health is not new. As early as the 1950s, scientists realized that sitting is the new smoking.
There is a simple solution to this; sensitize and then move. Move around the office, visit your colleagues instead of an email, use your feet instead of the cart. Just walk again.
Health experts from TK carried out a back check on our employees. With the BackCheck, the holding power of the abdominal and back muscles is evaluated. The employees then receive a written evaluation of the measurement, a short personal consultation on the results and, if necessary, a specific recommendation for action to improve the back muscles. The surprise at the ELKs was great; okey maybe next time we shouldn't do the BackCheck right after Christmas. At least we are very happy if we not only motivate our ELKs to do sports.
Many thanks at this point to the Techniker Krankenkasse and to our ELK team employees for the great interest.
Remember; every move counts.
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